Home Therapy

Follow persistent and gentle practices regularly, rather than doing hard and intense protocols that overwhelm your immune system

Burn Quick Remedy

Burn Quick Remedy

Burn Quick Remedy The plight of young and old is attended to with care and compassion. We salute the family and caregivers of diseased and injured people and educate on how to attend to their suffering loved ones with practical and sustainable...

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5 Track Plan

5 Track Plan

The 5 Track Plan (13 page Booklet) The 5 Track Plan is a simple to read and apply Booklet based upon the experience of the Doctors Beyond Medicine global Teams in the field since the 1990s. Applied knowledge is power! You are the only one with You 24 hours per day....

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Homemade Cough Mixture

Homemade Cough Mixture

Honey Onion Cough Mixture Remember! Coughing is a SYMPTOM of something else going on! Consider looking for that underlying issue as well. Coughing is a method the body uses to expel foreign bodies (not such a bad thing even if it can be uncomfortable at times). See...

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Natural Antibiotic

Natural Antibiotic

Natural Antibiotic 1/4tsp freshly finely grated garlic 1/4 tsp freshly finely grated ginger 1/4 squeezed lemon 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper Drop of honey Stir well and swallow down in a swig. (If you have only garlic, use only garlic. Let it stand for 10min before drinking...

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Parasite Cleansing

Parasite Cleansing

Parasites Parasites come from a variety of places. When our stomach acids and bicarbonate of soda production levels are compromised, our protection against parasitic and bacterial infection is reduced and they have a free pass into the body. The stomach acid is...

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How to make Sauerkraut

How to make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut Eating fermented foods is a must if you want to optimally digest and absorb everything you eat. Our ancestors ate cultured and fermented foods constantly, so they had a steady stream of friendly bacteria coming into their system and thus STRONG immune...

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How to make a Castor Oil Pack

How to make a Castor Oil Pack

How to make a Castor Oil Pack Castor Oil Packs are used to enhance circulation and to promote the healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is also used to improve liver function, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and fibrotic tissue and to improve...

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Liver Cleansing

Liver Cleansing

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Overview in short 1 week of drinking 1 liter apple juice (or consuming water with a total of 1 tsp malic acid) daily Day of cleanse 1. Stop eating 1.30pm (continue to hydrate well - no alcohol!) 2. Drink Epsom salts at 6pm and 8pm 3....

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Hot-Cold Therapy

Hot-Cold Therapy

Hot-Cold Therapy This therapy is used to improve and stimulate blood flow and circulation to and from a particular area. To achieve this, we use the contrast of hot versus cold. Hot water draws the blood to the surface of the skin and the ice-cold water drives it back...

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How to do a Coffee Enema

How to do a Coffee Enema

Coffee Enema An enema is the injection of liquid through the rectum to motivate evacuation and system cleansing. Enemas are a valuable tool for cleansing your Liver and Colon and provide many additional benefits. But how can you perform an enema at home?...

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