Everyone has Candida. Is it in balance?

Candida is way more common than you think. Most everyone has it growing in their digestive system. However, this doesn’t mean it’s always at a healthy balance. It tends to grow super-fast when the environment is disrupted and of course when you feed it what it loves – sugar.

Let us enlighten you into a new understanding of your resident fungus affected, like everything by diet, lifestyle and drugs.

Candida is part of our digestive lining from the age of 6 weeks old and serves our bodies in various symbiotic and even detoxing ways. That is when the organism is in healthy symbiotic balance. Candida albicans can be found on our skin, in our digestive tracts and for women, also in the vagina. Theoretically, the good bacteria in our gut crowd out the yeast and bad bacteria, so that the environment remains healthy, while our immune system is the police that keeps out the offenders.

Candida can create havoc when it becomes overgrown, 

when its waste byproducts and excretions begin to cause dis-ease. It even starts to change and manipulate your food choices making you crave its food to keep it surviving and thriving.

In a state of immune deficiency, the balance of healthy bacteria is so severely disrupted, that it results in an overgrowth of candida, first seen in the mucus linings. Chronic and often undetected, Candida infections are regularly associated with symptoms linked to many systems in the body expressed as chronic fatigue, joint pains, digestive problems to name a few.

This immune deficiency is brought about by candida and other pathogenic and parasitic organisms, that are overgrown inside us. It is induced by ongoing intake of high amounts of sugar for example (especially when we are not burning the sugars we ate, off through high intensity training); or from medications such as antibiotic, birth control pills; chemotherapy.

Other factors that create this type of altered state in the gut include pregnancy; chronic wheat and pasta intake; ongoing fight and flight state of mind, etc.

Candida overgrowth leads to food digestion challenges, sweet cravings and a larger than necessary intake of starches. Because of the close similarity of Candida symptoms to those of rheumatoid arthritis, there are cases where clients who suffered only from Candida were ‘diagnosed’ with RA and were prescribed damaging medications. Another reason for the misdiagnosis is that Candida is not widely accepted as a condition by itself, hence, the blame goes to conditions like RA… This is why we are speaking about a wider perspective to broaden and grow everyone’s understanding of our own body.

Causes of Candida Overgrowth

Once the balance of healthy friendly bacteria in the gut is compromised, due to said antibiotics, medications, stress, etc., the candida cells multiply rapidly, thereby overwhelming the good bacteria (80 % of our immune system) even more.

Candida albicans can be found on our skin, in our digestive tracts and for women, in the vagina. Theoretically, the good bacteria in our gut crowd out the yeast and bad bacteria so that the environment remains healthy, while our immune system is the police that keeps out the offenders.

When you take antibiotics, it kills off your acid forming bacteria and makes the environment too alkaline, which is why antibiotics promote Candida overgrowth.

So not only do antibiotics directly eliminate the good guys that help keep Candida from taking over, antibiotics also change the pH in your digestive system to one that is more hospitable for yeast and other pathogens. 

Surprisingly, there are 79 different toxins released by Candida! This is why people with this yeast overgrowth often feel heavy and tired, because the Candida toxins are regularly entering their bloodstream causing lethargy and more work for the liver and kidneys to clear the blood.

A Candida re-balance may take a while… it also most often requires some food shifts and certain food exclusions whilst using natural practices to realign the gut balances.

We suggest you begin removing the foods Candida loves, such as sugar, (even sweet fruits!) for at least 6 weeks to starve the candida. Foods that turn to sugar quickly in the body, such as pasta and other starches are also excluded or greatly reduced for this time. A monthly and structured parasite cleanse also assists to denature Candida.

We use a variety of natural methods from the kitchen – contact us to speak to a DBM Practitioner about a specific plan for yourself. Some of our methods include taking ImmunoClean™ 3 times per day concurrently with applying the steps from the 5-Track Plan to restore balance. This process can assist to reduce your Candida, whilst also restoring other balances.