Can I use more than 3 drops at time?
ImmunoClean™ is an oxidizer, which means it gives oxygen, like when you are training and using more oxygen. It is more important to take the drops MORE FREQUENTLY, than taking HIGH dosages. The weaker the person, the lower the dose. Slow and consistent better than high dosages.
Can I give ImmunoClean™ to my pets?
What we normally do with animals is to put a few drops from Bottle 1 into their drinking water – up to 10 drops in a bowl of a liter water. Whether for dogs, cats, birds and even farm animals…
Is ImmunoClean™ safe for elderly people?
ImmunoClean™ is safe for all ages. The older or younger a person is, how fit or weak they are, affects the dosage. The weaker the person, the lower the dose..
Can I take ImmunoClean™ after eating?
It is more beneficial to take ImmunoClean on an empty stomach, so that the uptake is not interfered by with food being oxidized in the stomach, instead of the oxygen going into the blood and being available to your system. Should you have taken it after food, the benefit of the herbs are still absorbed well any way.
Is ImmunoClean™ effective against parasites?
ImmunoClean™ is very effective against parasites, especially when used in regular enema applications. It is because it also cleanses the “body” fluids of the parasites inside our bodies, that one may experience nausea / loose stools when taking IC orally the first time and consequently our body works at expelling waste faster through the main central highway – the digestive tract.
Is ImmunoClean™ safe to post?
ImmunoClean™ as been posted and couriered all over the planet. Packaged securely and well, it ships safely.
Can I use ImmunoClean™ in other ways?
ImmunoClean™ is a multi-dimensional product. It can be used inside and outside of our body. You can drink it, steam with it, spray it on your skin, enema and douche with it, wash your legumes and seeds with it…
How far from Vit C must I take ImmunoClean™?
ImmunoClean™ reaches its peak activity at 2 hours after intake, which means you can take Vitamin C 2 hours after ImmunoClean™, so as not to neutralize the action of either
Where is the laboratory that makes ImmunoClean™?
ImmunoClean™ is produced in South Africa at different laboratories. We have production houses (depending on order demand) in Johannesburg, Cape Town and the Eastern Cape
Can I give ImmunoClean™ to my baby under 1 year?
Yes you can. A baby will only get 1 drop and it must be well diluted. It is recommended, however, to rather treat the mother with a normal dose of ImmunoClean™, and the infant gets the IC in secondary form through breast milk coming out of mom…
What is the best liquid to mix ImmunoClean™ with?
ImmunoClean™ is carried best and most purposefully when combined with electrolyte, mineral rich, cool to cold water. Drink it with a full glass of such water for optimal benefit per dose.
Can I take ImmunoClean™ with orange juice?
ImmunoClean™ is best taken with water which is cold or at room temperature rather than taking it with even a natural vitamin c rich drink. You can have the orange juice 2 hours after taking ImmunoClean™
Who is the brain behind IC?
Dr Mickaeel McDonald is the “father” of ImmunoClean™, which he started developing in 1992 following his journey at sea up the coast of Africa and having to deal with his wife and daughter nearly succumbing to Malaria
Is ImmunoClean™ a vitaman supplement?
Vitamin pills are not a substitute for vitamins. ImmunoClean™ is not a vitamin supplement. Vitamins come in the perfect combinations in whole and organic foods
What is ImmunoClean™ made of?
ImmunoClean™ is an aqueous solution containing 12 herbs and minerals which support how our body deals with pathogens, damage, normal cellular metabolism and cleansing…
Is ImmunoClean™ in every country?
ImmunoClean™ can be sent via courier to most countries for personal use. Please contact us to find out if your country allows herbal medicine through customs without product registration.
Not feeling well after taking ImmunoClean™
If you start on a one drop and become nauseous, you may have to deal with some parasites. Start by taking 1 (one) drop of IC (both bottles) 4 times per day. Stay on a slow and low dose if you are nauseous so that your body can deal with what is being expelled rather than increasing the dosage.
Is ImmunoClean™ the same as MMS?
Why does ImmunoClean™ smell like chlorine?
ImmunoClean™, when activated by mixing drops from both bottles before adding water, releases the signature of Chlorine dioxide gas (ClO2), a gas that carries as salt and oxygen through its breakdown process. It is NOT chlorine at all though.
Can I have ImmunoClean™ with antibiotics?
You can take ImmunoClean with most medications. We simply advise NOT to take antioxidant supplements or chemo with ImmunoClean as they work in counter ways…
Can I have ImmunoClean™ while I'm doing chemo?
ImmunoClean™ rebuilds the immune system and supports immune function. Chemo destroys immune function. It is counter productive to do the 2 together. We recommend finishing the chemo protocol before starting ImmunoClean™
How does my mind affect what I eat?
How we think and feel about something is going to affect the way our body reacts to it as our body produces chemistry and hormones as a response and reaction to that thinking…
Food & State of Mind
Therefore, if my attitude to green or vegetable juice is that it’s horrible and I can’t stand it, the benefit of that juice will no longer serve my body. A great way we can help people to get well is to address their attitude to certain things and see what is going on in the mind toward it…
Therefore, if my attitude to green juice is that it’s horrible and I can’t stand it, the benefit of that juice will no longer serve my body.
A happy attitude, a calm state of mind, is a much better way to take your meals, whether they are humble, limited meals or extravagant, fancy ones. You can receive healthy food in a bad way, which does not make it healthy any more. Love caring for your body and find ways to keep your wholesome food exciting and tasty.
It’s all about attitude!
Dr Sakeena
How can I give my immune system a boost?
Immune System Boost
In most of the conditions we overcome, we do so using ImmunoClean™ in a variety of ways that support and even “stand in” for the immune system.
We also use “Natural Antibiotic”:
1/4tsp freshly finely grated garlic
1/4 tsp freshly, finely grated ginger
1/4 squeezed lemon
1/4 tsp (knife tip) cayenne pepper
Drop of honey
Stir well and swallow down in a swig
Remember to have it with a full glass of water or tea/soup
BEFORE taking this recipe to line your stomach!
If you have only garlic, use only garlic.
Let it stand for 10min before drinking it, to activate the Allicin.
Repeat 3x per day for minimum of 5 consecutive days (not longer)
Avoid all meat, dairy, sugar and bread with immediate effect, for at least 5 days. Feel free to read more on the topic of improving your immune system on our articles section.
Be consistent and Stay gentle.
Dr Sakeena
What do we use for ear pain?
We have an ear steaming protocol with ImmunoClean™ which you can do. Other in-home remedies may be: making an onion poultice, by steaming a whole onion, cutting it in half and wrapping in a soft cloth or putting each half into a sock…
Ear ache / infection
How do I know if I am dehydrated?
Ask yourself: What have I hydrated with? Your human body is composed of up to 75% water, with only 25% matter. Water provides nourishment, eliminates waste and regulates ALL bodily functions…
Tea/coffee/alcohol/soft drinks will not satisfy the body’s water requirements. These drinks contain water that contains caffeine/sugars/sweeteners/chemicals, all which act as
DE-hydrators for your body.
The diuretic stimulation of caffeine INCREASES urination.
Sugared drinks increase blood sugar, which coerce your body in to giving up water, not retaining it.
The average adult loses 2.6 liters (that is more than half a gallon) of water per day. That same person is likely to drink about 2.5 cups of water per day. This leads to an underlying, chronic dehydration in these bodies, which leads to what can be described as a TOXICITY crisis, when the body expresses symptoms, simply because they are dehydrated.
There is no need to call a doctor, no need to take medicine, no need to box yourself into an illness – you are dehydrated. This toxicity crisis (illness symptoms) needs hydration first. So, I am calling this a THIRST disease. Some parts of the body are more dehydrated than others; it’s hard to see but can be understood. These aspects of water metabolism are not recognized by most, so illness is diagnosed” and you remain thirsty.
Some quick ways to ensure your water is being utilized:
Add Lemon or organic apple cider vinegar to your water.
Activate your water with a drop of honey and a crystal ofHimalayan / Celtic / Sea Salt.
Otherwise put a salt crystal under your tongue when drinking water, to increase your electrolyte quality in your body fluid.
Be consistent and Stay gentle.
Dr Sakeena
What about low oxygen & iron levels
Bacteria in your digestive tract that are unbalanced due to exposure to antibiotics, pesticides in medication or in foods, breathing habits, parasites, EMF, stress, to name a few, affect your oxygen and iron levels…
Is it possible to clear parasites / Morgellons from the body with ImmunoClean™?
You can not clear all parasites. Keeping balance by keeping the internal cellular environment cleaner, ensures less ideal terrain for them to breed in. Some species lay up to 100 000 eggs/day.
Parasites, Morgellons & ImmunoClean™
Other immune supporting practices
You have many tools in your kit for optimal immunity to support any of your ImmunoClean™ protocols through your mindful lifestyle practices…
Can I give my animals ImmunoClean™?
What do cracks on my tongue mean?
If there are cracks in the tongue, they are indicative of stress and challenges on different organs based upon where on the tongue the marks are expressing…
My body is toxic from emotional stress & medicine, please help
Cleaning up our system is an ongoing, daily supportive process which we must live and follow consistently, like brushing your teeth daily..
Toxicities, deficiencies, like iron deficiency
How do I curb the shedding side effects of graphene oxide exposure?
You can support your heart and blood health through following some healthy daily habits, and keeping your blood flowing easily through your lungs, brain, heart and body. Here are some things:
Graphene Oxide Detoxing
Things we do that serve to clean our 4 – 6 liters of blood:
1. Hydration – Electrolyte rich water hourly helps your blood and bodily fluids flow by diluting toxins and assisting to replace and move waste materials more effectively.
2. ImmunoClean™ is a proven cardiovascular tonic, which you can take every 3 -4 hours when you feel your blood thickening or find yourself short of breath.
3. Cayenne Pepper – a knife tip quantity 3 x per day is a wonderful heart and blood tonic
4. Beetroot – looks like your blood – serves the blood, liver and kidneys. Have some daily or at least 3x per week. It is also rich in Shikimic acid. It also supplies bio-absorbable iron, which becomes the magnet in your blood to which your oxygen can cling.
5. Breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing, provides improved circulation to support body pH balancing. Do them hourly 2-3 minutes!
6. Garlic and ginger also thin the blood naturally and make blood flow easier, add to your salads, juices and meals, also can be taken raw – no more than a clove per portion.
7. Foods rich in Sulphur provide the body with glutathione which helps cellular detoxification – the brassica family is great to consume daily – cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, etc.
8. Fennel seed tea cleanses the liver and provides shikimic acid to the body which also fights shedding.
9. Making tea from evergreens, which contain shikimic acid is helpful to support your blood health. Use White pine needle, cedar, fir or spruce to steep a tea.
Not for pregnant woman due to high vitamin C content.
10. Star anise seed extracted through a decoction also can
be used to stop blood clots.
When we know what tools and choices we have, we can make liberated decisions.
Be consistent and Stay gentle.
Dr Sakeena
Is ImmunoClean™ the same as MMS?
No, it is not. ImmunoClean™ is a herbal, mineral solution containing 12 herbs, known for their extraordinary healing properties. We use the ion of a mineral salt to create a gas, which offers extra oxygen molecules to the cells to use in the natural immune function against pathogens…
Is ImmunoClean the same as MMS?
No, it is not. ImmunoClean™ is a herbal, mineral solution containing extracts from 12 herbs, known for their remarkable healing properties. MMS is made by mixing industrial Sodium Chlorite and citric acid.
The uniqueness of the ImmunoClean™ formula is in the 16 compounds extracted from said 12 herbs and plants with specific functions in the immunological response processes of the body. The herbs comprise of Phyto-chemicals, organic compounds, fatty acids and anti-oxidants that are used in natural, stimulatory actions that form part of a complete biological process used by the immune system to repair the body, fight pathogens, and remove toxins. We have extensive Ayurvedic and other laboratory tests that have been done on ImmunoClean™ that further validate this analysis.
The ion of our mineral salts formulae is used to create a gas (SCD), which offers oxygen molecules to the cells and facilitates improved cleansing and natural immune function against pathogens and damage.
The activation of ImmunoClean™ creates SCD (Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide) which is known as the “universal antidote”. It is applied in protocols that cleanse body fluids, tissue and blood through several pathways – oral, steaming, spraying, enema and transdermal. The 12 herbs are recognized globally for their healing, organ protective and stimulating properties.
The charged ion of ImmunoClean™ has been shown to assist in the reactivation of the Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle, which is the energy cycle) inside each cell, which restores natural function.