The Magic of ImmunoClean™


We deal with more toxins, stress, immune challenges and infectious conditions  in our day to day lives now than ever before. Our bodies have an inherent, self-healing capacity that is taxed increasingly more by this onslaught. 

  • ImmunoClean™ as immune modulator supports your immune system in its daily tasks.
  • ImmunoClean™ as a “water” cleanser (…our bodies are up to 70% water) lowers the toxic burden on the body systems through an oxidation and alkalizing metabolic effect
  • ImmunoClean™ works based upon the principles of nature, which uses oxygen as part of the elemental exchanges that restore balance and pH
  • ImmunoClean™ is made up of 12 herbal extracts that have tested and proven properties of organ protective and stimulation functions
  • ImmunoClean™ contains a mineral compound, the ion of chlorite as water purifier , which upon acidification releases a gas, known as SCD (used in the cleaning of donated blood)

  • Oxygenates your body
  • Improves your circulation
  • Detoxification and cleansing at your cellular level
  • Supports your body to regenerate more efficiently

In Supercharging the immune system to support the body to heal itself faster.

ImmunoClean™ contains 12 herbs that have researched and published health properties, which facilitate improvement at the microcirculation level and natural detoxing and regeneration processes.

The immune system also uses oxygen to ward off opportunistic organisms. Oxygen is a fundamental part of your defense system within the white blood cells. Being nature’s way to alkalize your biology in a constantly changing and ongoing regenerating process. ImmunoClean™ facilitates an oxidation release from the mineral exchange with our fluids, delivering oxygen via the plasma to oxygen-deficient or acidic areas. For more on the Science of ImmunoClean™

Mitochondria generate electricity and energy in the human cell. When the generator is turned off, the name of the disease is cancer. These cells then cannot produce energy through oxidation. An emergency chain reaction subsequently is to generate energy through fermentation. Sugars and foods are burnt for energy. We oxidise to live. Burning is the same as oxidising. Breathing is oxidising. Our bodies are conductive which means a current can run from one place to another. Salt conducts electricity. There are self-correction programs in the body to balance the self-correct function with positive feedback systems that create the flow.

Imagine that the body is a pool of water and if the pH is too low, you have to put in chlorine (which is alkaline) to raise the pH to prevent the pool from turning green. If the pH is perfect, the water is fine and beautifully clear and blue. If not, the balance and colour changes.


  • Internally Orally (drinking the ImmunoClean™ Drops in a glass of water for general well-being)
  • Steaming – for anything to deal with and clean up the sinuses and respiratory tract – done for 5 days in combination with oral intake
  • Externally – sprayed onto sores, wounds or bite marks (every hour for quick results)
  • Topically (through the skin, combined with a carrier oil) Clean up, recovery, revitalization and restoration of your deep tissue.

For a demonstration on how to take ImmunoClean™. We have many more specialized protocols, please join our Telegram group and ask with pleasure. Dr. Sakeena and her team are available to the community for support and individual questions.

  • It’s been working worldwide for 30 years already
  • It’s tested continuously via independent laboratories
  • Supports the body to ward off infection
  • Delivers high levels of Oxygen to your body
  • Cleanses your body at a micro level
  • You can save thousands on your medical bills

ImmunoClean™ works concurrently with everyone’s natural processes at the rate of oxidation & charge, the same as what the body would do. If it’s at a higher oxidation rate like ozone or peroxide, it causes cellular damage. When the oxidation is as your own body

  • Improves your Immunity Immediately
  • Improves your Energy and Vitality
  • Immediately improves your oxygen saturation levels
  • Improvement of microcirculation in Cellular plasma and fluids
  • Cleansing at microlevel that follows your own body’s natural excretory processes
  • ImmunoClean™ has anti-oxidant capacity that has matched and outperformed the world’s “best” in laboratory studies
  • It removes toxicity – Toxicities come from things such as food pesticides, herbicides, alcohol, smoking, stimulants, additional chemical effects of medications, hormones, lack of sleep, etc. It also comes from within our own system, self produced (stress hormones are released following our thoughts and events)
  • Our work therefore is to “clean up” and help the cells to “breathe” again

We use ImmunoClean™ for anything your immune system must deal with, everything immunity and toxicity related. The Immune System is Intelligent and symptoms indicate that it is dealing with an issue already. There may be a backlog/stagnation/deficiency in the system and the combined whole may be struggling to overcome the immune challenge and burden of detoxing.

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