Who We Are

Our Flower of Life

The Flower of Life icon represents the Creation and Blueprint of Life.
It is a symbol of the cycle of life, death and rebirth – as per the directive of Mother Nature for natural regeneration.
It represents the unity of life and interconnectedness of all beings.

What we’re About

Our calling is to bring ImmunoClean™ and practical healing protocols to the world. We share methods in how to take responsibility for our self-created health issues. Respecting all life and restoring health and balance. 

  • ImmunoClean™ is a vehicle through which Doctors Beyond Medicine™ wishes to bring empowerment to You at your home with information, techniques and products for your health and well-being.
  • The protocols have been tested and our success is based on over 25 years of experience as dreaded disease specialists and volunteers at Doctors Beyond Medicine™ NPC www.doctorsbeyondmedicine.com
  • We share experiential, practical, sustainable healing methods 
  • We support the restoration of our immune systems’ capacity to operate optimally.
  • Doctors Beyond Medicine™ use ImmunoClean™ in a variety of applications to enable the immune system to overcome dis-ease

Doctors Beyond Medicine™ acknowledges the growing awareness and need for an integrated healthcare system that utilises a much more holistic, integrated natural approach to overcoming and preventing disease. As an interdisciplinary organisation of natural medicine professionals that draw from various systems of healing from across the globe, including natural medicine, herbalism and ayurveda, traditional and holistic practices to empower and assist the “Forgotten People” world wide.

Doctors Beyond Medicine believe in wellness, longevity, and the body’s ability to heal itself when addressing the cause, alleviating nutritional deficiencies, lowering the toxic burden and strengthening the immune function which heals the body. Rather than focussing on symptoms, we remove and address the reason as to why the imbalance / disease manifested. Our treatments are patient specific as opposed to disease specific as we address improper lifestyle habits that lead to imbalance. Unhealthy habits need addressing for long term wellness results. We utilise the 5-track-Plan and ImmunoClean™ as foundations for healing

Some of our Team

Dr Sakeena Harmsen

Chief Medical Officer – Doctors Beyond Medicine
DNIM (Doctor of Natural and Integrative Medicine)
BScHN (Bachelor of Science Holistic Nutrition)
BScN (Bachelor of Science Nursing)
BScBM (Bachelor of Science Botanical Medicine)
Diploma in Emotional Counselling (Dip.EC)
Ethnomedical Practitioner
D.P. T.

Dr Sakeena has over 15 years of international field experience in dealing with dreaded diseases.  She has exceptional knowledge of the human body with special reference to the health of the gastrointestinal system and the impact of mind and food on our health. The “psychology” of disease and causes always have to be investigated. Under her tutelage, many of the protocols that also incorporate the 5 track plan have come to life. Her partnerships with Dr Mickaeel in maturing the ImmunoClean™ Ecosystem has been invaluable.

Projects that  also review animals’ health, (farm  and domestic pets), as well as land health with affordable solutions in mind, are also investigated and offered 

Dr Mickaeel (Michael) McDonald

Chief Surgeon – Doctors Across Borders NPC
DNIM (Doctor of Natural and Integrative Medicine)
BScHN (Bachelor of Science Holistic Nutrition)
BScN (Bachelor of Science Nursing)
BScBM (Bachelor of Science Botanical Medicine)
Diploma in Emotional Counselling (Dip.EC)
Ethnomedical Practitioner
Oncology (Ms.C)

Dr Mickaeel is the founder of the company Doctors Across Borders NPC t/a Doctors Beyond Medicine  (a 25 year old company) and Damaansa Holdings.

He is also the developer and scientist behind the natural product and Immune Fortifier, known as ImmunoClean™. He has been the inspirational leader that has carried a team of like-minded people on this journey and is a driving force behind the continued work to serve and enlighten our brothers and sisters.

Dr Mickaeel’s compassionate nature is also to be found in the generous charitable programs that he has created to give back to the world community in the “Forgotten People” and “Forgotten Animals” Projects reaching impoverished people in their homes.

William Harmsen

Distributor USA & Canada

William has over 25 years of experience in business management and business development management along with sales experience all backed up by an MBA and B.Eng. This has made William a natural choice to lead business development and business management elements for the team to expand our international foot print.

Lara Theron

Distributor Europe | DBM Practitioner

Lara has been mentored by Doctors Beyond Medicine™ doctors for more than 10 years with an educational exchange mentorship. She knows how to identify and consider addressing the causes of symptoms. She has a good understanding of the application of the 5-Track Plan and is well-versed in the use and application of ImmunoClean™. She understands the importance of identifying and addressing the cause of your problem and knows how to handle a variety of symptoms and imbalances in the health of family and child.

When exchanging with Lara and to share with her, please send an email to lara@immunoclean.com

A Percentage of EVERY Order of ImmunoClean™ goes to the Non-Profit Organization Doctors Beyond Medicine™ It is to help DBM fulfill their stated mission to bring health services to the Forgotten People and Forgotten Animals of our society.